I'm trying to get over my last week of my first year of nursing school. It was not the happiest week. My horrible group paper got one of the lowest grades in the class which is leaving me hovering at 0.8 points below an A, so while all of my nursing school friends are basking in the summer sun and singing out joyfully about making it through their first year and "oh, what a relief" I'm just feeling grumpy, bitter and completely burned out. My house still looks like finals week (and it's been over for a week) with dishes stacked everywhere and books fanned out on random horizontal surfaces with notes sticking out here and there. I have three months to get over it and then I'm back.
So what are we going to do here for three months? Bake? OK. Let's do it. Take this pie and skip the bananas. Make the crust using chocolate graham crackers, if you'd like. Add 3/4 cup of unsweetened coconut and an extra 1/4 cup of sugar when you add the butter to the pastry cream/ pudding after you've removed it from the heat. Toast another handful of coconut in a 325 degree oven for less than ten minutes until golden and sprinkle that on the whipped cream topping at then end. This was the husband's Father's Day pie. Hey, it might have been tasty to leave the bananas in and have a banana-coconut cream pie. Hm. Next time...
I can *not* seem to get my act together! But I'm RSVP'ing for some PIE. See you soon!
Back in school yet? I miss your posts!
Yep! I'm back. I was too busy baking and reading non-nursing books this summer to post!
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