Monday, July 07, 2008

Ah, Summer! Part Two: Camping

There's nothing like sleeping in a tent and eating dinner off of a paper plate. And nothing = summer like a camping trip. The kids got sticky w/ marshmallows. And 'round these parts summer nights are pretty cool so we wore warm hats and shivered in our fog-encased tent. Somehow the kids hiked about five miles and only melted down a coupla times.

That's a picture of my dusty camping feet in (what were before the camping trip, anyways) brand new shoes.

We used this sauce over grilled tofu on our trip and my friend at The Kittalog requested the recipe. Here it is!

This is slightly modified from Vegetarian Suppers by Deborah Madison:

Miso Topping

1/3 cup white miso
2 Tbsp rice vinegar
2 tsp grated ginger
minced garlic clove
fresh ground pepper
1 tsp roasted sesame oil
splash of tamari or soy sauce
3 Tbsp mayonnaise

Combine by hand or in a food processor. Savory!


Mz.Elle said...

ooooh I like those shoes!
You've got a good tan going on too:) I've been craving a camping trip for forever..

Molly said...

Thanks! Believe it or not they're Keens (Keen's?). Usually Keens are so lopsided and heavy-looking to me, but these are pretty svelte and REALLY comfy.

Mz.Elle said...

They look comfy! Ok,I'm going to go find my own now;p